Wisconsin New Practitioner Exemption Bill

Great News Wisconsin!

Take Action to Protect Consumer Access to Complementary
and Alternative Health Practitioners!

We’re happy to announce that Wisconsin’s 2019-2020 practitioner exemption bill, protecting access to complementary and alternative health care practitioners, is going to be reintroduced! This is a crucial time for our legislative efforts and we need your support!  Please contact your Legislators and urge them to sign on as a cosponsor to LRB-1031/1.  Click Here to Read the bill.

Your message will tell them why the bill is needed in order to protect both consumers and practitioners who provide services to health seekers in Wisconsin, including herbalists, traditional naturopaths, and wellness consultants.  Ask your legislator to sign on as a co-sponsor.  You can personalize the letter we’ve prepared for you and automatically send a thank you note to the bill’s current sponsors (Senator Mary Felzkowski and Representative Barbara Dittrich) and cosponsors (Senator Kooyenga and Representatives, Representatives Horlacher, Kitchens, Murphy, Mursau, Schraa, and Skowronski) too!

This bill was introduced last session (2019-2020 AB 546/SB 492). It successfully passed the Assembly committee and the Assembly floor and then passed the Senate Committee on Health before stalling in the Senate due to COVID-19.  NHFA, Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation (SHFF), and the WI Health Freedom Coalition (WIHFC) are committed to working hard again to pass WI’s “Safe Harbor” bill into law in this new legislative session.  But, before its introduced, we need your help to get as many cosponsors as possible to sign onto the bill.  The deadline for co-sponsorship is Friday, January 29, 2021 at 12:00pm.

Also, please take another minute to personally call your legislators to let their offices know that you are a natural health consumer (or practitioner) who wants them to support LRB 1031/1. Find out who your legislators are and their contact information here; enter your address in the box below “Who are My Legislators”.  Simply leaving a brief message with a legislative assistant can make a big difference!

Similar bills to Wisconsin’s LRB 1031/1have already passed into law in eleven other states.  Wisconsin’s bill will provide an exemption to state occupational licensure for those non-invasive complementary and alternative health care practitioners who (1) avoid a specific list of prohibited conduct, such as puncturing the skin or administering prescription drugs or telling people to go off their treatments recommended by their licensed health care professional, and (2) give out the disclosure information listed in the bill, such as contact information, education and training, and the nature of the services to be rendered.

Health-seekers deserve to have maximum options protected for them as they work to explore their wellness and health.  Please support Wisconsin’s bill.  Send a Message Now.
